🤠Creating your project

Get Started with entering your project name

You will see this on terminal:

Enter your project name

Enter the number of features for your flutter application.

Provide in integer value

Enter the number of features required in your $projectName

Suppose if you are creating an e-commerce application using quickfire, then you may want these features:

[Home, Wishlist, Cart, Orders, Admin]

as you can see there are total of 5 features that you may require.

Do not count or provide any 'auth' feature on your own, If you will choose an authencation service later on, as quickfire will automatically create an 'auth' feature

Quickfire works on a feature driven development (FDD) with Bloc State management.

Enter each feature one-by-one

example :

Enter the name of feature 1 :
Enter the name of feature 2 :
Enter the name of feature 3 :
Enter the name of feature 4 :
Enter the name of feature 5 :

This creates a three-page onboarding screen which is shown only on the first launch of the application.

Do you want an on-boarding feature? 
* Yes

Along with onboarding you also get a global method to get the width and height of your screen without defining it everytime on each page.

getScreenWidth(context) and getScreenHeight(context) you can use these methods anywhere you want.

Choose your backend service

Till now quickfire supports two backends

Choosing any of this creates an auth feature inside lib/features/ with working Authentication Screens, APIs, Auth State management, all of this without writing a single line of code.

You Basically get a working authentication system for your app in no-time.

If you have selected Firebase as your backend then Quickfire provides a way to implement Notification system using Firebase Messaging, both for foreground and background using Flutter Local Notification, all without writing any single line of code.

This creates a notification feature inside lib/features/ folder.

Stripe Payment Integration

Do you want to integrate Stripe payment? 
* Yes

Last updated